Uniqlo VS Everlane: Which One Is Cheaper & Better For You?

In this comparison, I will be analyzing the differences between Everlane and Uniqlo. More specifically, I will be looking at aspects of each store including, price, quality, and overall customer experience. For this research, I collected pricing data from each respective website and utilized the BBB’s database. By the end of this, you will be able to choose which one is better for you.

Retailer/BrandLow RangeHigh RangeBBB Accreditation RatingCustomer Review Rating

Uniqlo VS Everlane: Which One Is Cheaper?

Based on price range, Uniqlo offers lower prices when compared to the lowest prices at Everlane. More specifically, the lowest prices at Uniqlo are about 182.05% cheaper than the cheapest items at Everlane. This means that if you are a price conscious shopper, Uniqlo will have items that fit your price range.

When taking a look at the highest price points of each store, it appears that Uniqlo has the highest priced items when compared to Everlane. More specifically, Uniqlo’s highest priced items are about 25.63% more expensive. So, if you are in search for what store sells the more expensive items, then Uniqlo is your answer.

Uniqlo VS Everlane: Which One Has A Higher Quality Rating?

The BBB Accreditation Rating scores the overall quality of a business or brand based on a number of factors. Generally, the business with the higher accreditation score has better quality. According to this score, Uniqlo seems to have a higher quality at 60.00% compared to Everlane which has a score of 0.00%. In short, you will likely get better overall quality from Uniqlo.

Uniqlo VS Everlane: Which One Has Better Customer Service?

In terms of what customers think of these stores, I gathered the overall customer satisfaction rating from the BBB’s website. Their customer satisfaction rating is a partial reflection of how effective the customer service aspect of the store is. It appears that Uniqlo has a higher overall score at 1.04. This means that Uniqlo likely has better customer service compared to Everlane.

Uniqlo VS Everlane: Conclusion

So, depending on what you prefer; whether that is price, quality, or customer service, one of these stores may be better for you than the other. Both Everlane and Uniqlo are quite reputable in their own regard. Make sure to keep that in mind when making your decision as well.